Praesent mattis, massa quis luctus fermentum, turpis mi volutpat justo, eu volutpat enim diam eget metus. Sed placerat libero quis metus malesuada venenatis. Nulla facilisi. Duis condimentum molestie lacus ac tincidunt. Morbi a eros sed nisi laoreet molestie. Ligula id pellentesque laoreet.

Praesent mattis, massa quis luctus fermentum, turpis mi volutpat justo, eu volutpat enim diam eget metus.laoreet molestie. Nulla facilisi. Duis condimentum molestie lacus ac tincidunt.Morbi a eros sed nisi laoreet molestie. Sed placerat libero quis metus malesuada venenatis. Proin vulputate, ligula id pellentesque laoreet, arcu odio tincidunt nunc, in dictum leo dui sed sapien. Cras rhoncus odio quis risus porta ullamcorper adipiscing nulla sodales.

Morbi a eros sed nisi laoreet molestie. Nulla facilisi. Duis condimentum molestie lacus ac tincidunt. Cras rhoncus odio quis risus porta ullamcorper adipiscing nulla sodales. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam in metus ligula, et ullamcorper odio. Praesent mattis, massa quis luctus fermentum, turpis mi volutpat justo.


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MISSION:- “To create a socially and morally acceptable person able to clearly articulate themselves in society. Be able to appreciate and tolerate others and be active member of the society”. The Main Aim and Objective for the club: “To create a platform for as many students to take great interest in the world of performing arts, entertainment and public speaking.” In addition, we encourage and guide students to gather the necessary skills in drama, arts and public speaking through drama training, workshops and performances. Drama is an academic gain. A big plus to the performance of students. Studies have shown that students involved in the arts tend to have higher academic performance and better standardized test scores. Academic gains aren’t the only benefits. There are other obvious ones: improved self-confidence, better public speaking skills. Drama teaches ability to work with an ensemble in cooperative ventures and the ability to work through consensus and differences or obstacles to achieve a goal. Drama is intently a great starting point for careers such as teaching, law, and politics, not to mention broadcasting and performing. And the ability to speak confidently in front of a group is a plus for any career. .

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis feugiat rutrum luctus. Proin nisl augue, tempus quis lacinia at, ultrices eget sapien. Vestibulum at orci a eros molestie rutrum. Fusce interdum erat vel eros elementum vitae interdum massa varius. Morbi fermentum commodo nisi, id interdum mauris suscipit pellentesque. Morbi velit eros, accumsan ut faucibus at, viverra id mi. Nunc augue nisl, rutrum vitae luctus nec, lobortis sit amet diam. Proin porttitor semper sollicitudin. Donec mollis rhoncus turpis et rhoncus. In elit nisl, ultrices id mollis ut, dapibus eget nulla. Fusce laoreet neque ut purus faucibus ut condimentum purus condimentum. Vestibulum vel magna ligula, in tincidunt augue. Fusce sit amet neque ut neque vestibulum rhoncus in eu nisi. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Integer interdum sapien facilisis odio fermentum tincidunt. Nullam a ante augue.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis feugiat rutrum luctus. Proin nisl augue, tempus quis lacinia at, ultrices eget sapien. Vestibulum at orci a eros molestie rutrum. Fusce interdum erat vel eros elementum vitae interdum massa varius. Morbi fermentum commodo nisi, id interdum mauris suscipit pellentesque. Morbi velit eros, accumsan ut faucibus at, viverra id mi. Nunc augue nisl, rutrum vitae luctus nec, lobortis sit amet diam. Proin porttitor semper sollicitudin. Donec mollis rhoncus turpis et rhoncus. In elit nisl, ultrices id mollis ut, dapibus eget nulla. Morbi nec magna erat, id tincidunt sapien. Morbi id porttitor lorem. In mi velit, viverra a congue et, congue sit amet nibh. Pellentesque a libero eget quam consequat condimentum eu eu est. Vestibulum at tellus eget massa accumsan volutpat. Suspendisse felis arcu, sagittis nec ultrices sit amet, faucibus a ante. Nunc et ante at ipsum iaculis porta eu quis augue. Praesent ultrices suscipit quam, vitae malesuada erat volutpat non. Sed ut tortor turpis, eu dignissim elit.



Under 14 Brother Beausang Catholic soccer team

2013 will be a serious sporting year for the BBCEC fraternity. There are many activities to be undertaken. Already the soccer team has participated in the Lenana School founders day tournament, in which important experience was learnt. The Kenyan schools soccer title holders, Upper Hill High School were in attendance among other Kenyan secondary school soccer giants. The annual Jesus Cup competition also is on and is a competition BBCEC has proved dominant in previous years..

Inter-school competition in netball, athletics and hockey is scheduled for Term 1 whilst football and volleyball are the major Term 2 sports. All the teams are working hard some to surpass the successes of last year and for the new sports – hockey and netball – the aim is to show their value in their inaugural year.

honour roll

2012 KCPE Result

The KCPE 2012 results were received with mixed reaction this time round. Having improved the mean score the previous year. This year there was a slight drop in the mean score from 264.76 to 263.58. We still maintained the same number of students who got marks above 300 at 9 students. The 2012 candidates and the staff had expected to have at least a student’s scoring more than 400 marks but for another year we fell short. Brian Mutisyo who had scored above 400 in most of the exams he had sat for including the last mock was disappointed of not attaining a 400 mark. For another year English mean was highest though it dropped from 61.47 to 58.32. The social studies mean had the greatest improvement from 52.81 in the previous year to 57.87. It is not clear whether the other school strikes could have been a contributing factor or the altered exam time which is normally done in November and this time it was in December. Still the performance was good bearing in mind some of the students who are supported through our Pastoral care department special cases categories and Brother Beausang policy of not forcing students to repeat like other school do. In our mission we support holistic education and main focus is not entirely on Academics.

The staffs, candidates and the parents are looking for ways and means of improving the mean score of the school and overall performance of the individual students in 2013. The primary staff will continue having a series of meetings to forge the way forward. The candidates who scored above 300 marks will be awarded and commended in a Mass before they report to their secondary school they are likely to join. Majority of the 2012 candidates however, will join the Brother Beausang Catholic Education Centre secondary and they have already received admission letters. We congratulate all the 2012 candidates who gave their best and wish them all the best in the secondary studies.

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Consequat te olim letalis premo ad hos olim odio olim indoles ut venio iusto. Euismod, sagaciter diam neque antehabeo blandit, jumentum transverbero luptatum. Lenis vel diam praemitto molior facilisi facilisi suscipere abico, ludus, at. Wisi suscipere nisl ad capto comis esse, autem genitus. Feugiat immitto ullamcorper hos luptatum gilvus eum. Delenit patria nunc os pneum acsi nulla magna singularis proprius autem exerci accumsan.

Praesent duis vel similis usitas camur, nostrud eros opes verto epulae feugiat ad. Suscipit modo magna letalis amet et tego accumsan facilisi, meus. Vindico luptatum blandit ulciscor mos caecus praesent sed meus velit si quis lobortis praemitto, uxor.